Concluding the Transformation in Higher Education Workshop at the University of Bahrain Microsoft Education Specialist: Academic Research is the Essence of Leading Higher Education Institutions

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

6 January 2023


Dr. Auda Eltahla, Education Specialist at Microsoft Middle East and Africa, stressed the importance of academic research, Microsoft’s contribution to research in higher education, and the support it can provide to the University of Bahrain, through educational tools and high-performance artificial intelligence computing tools, considering academic research as the core of leading higher education institutions.

Dr. Auda Eltahla spoke at the “Transforming Higher Education with Microsoft” workshop organized by the University of Bahrain on Tuesday and Wednesday (3-4 January 2023), which was attended by more than 200 members of the academic and administrative staff at the university, through which they learned about Microsoft services and tools, which can develop the educational movement at the university.

Dr. Al-Tahla also discussed topics on scalable DNA data storage technology, the open source system, how to support research through computing power, in addition to setting up virtual laboratories and desktop computers for distance learning, which helps engage students, empower faculty members, activate the ability to connect from any device, and simplify IT management, while being a cost-effective solution.

For her part, Microsoft Customer Success Manager Solange Jarjour pointed to a number of teaching and learning resources and ways to benefit from them, in addition to modern cloud platforms, online learning applications, computing power, learning systems, and collaborative spaces as catalysts to enable academics and students to do their best work.

She also discussed the role of technology and cloud computing in providing seamless collaboration, advanced analytical tools, and data visualization tools, giving students and academic researchers computing power whenever they need it.

The workshop was moderated by Assistant Professor at the College of Information Technology, Dr. Amal Mohamed Al-Rayes, expressing her thanks and appreciation to the participants for their efforts in presenting the workshop topics, and answering the attendees’ questions, stressing that the university will continue its efforts in key steps of education transformation, and the localization of modern technology in partnership with Microsoft. She noted that there are several attendees from outside the university, in line with the university’s role in community service and development, through the dissemination of science and knowledge among various segments of society.

2024-03-28T11:15:43+03:00January 6, 2023|Uncategorized|
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