In an Article Published in the First Issue of the International HETL Frontiers, an Academian Reviews the of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Efforts and the University of Bahrain in Empowering Women and Gender Equality

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)


January 12, 2023


The first issue of the international “HETL Frontiers” magazine, published by the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association in the United States, contained an article by the Director of the Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership Skills at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Diana Abdulkarim Al-Jahrami, under the theme “Sustaining the Culture of Promoting the Principle of Equal Opportunities and Gender Equality in Higher Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.” The article highlights the endeavors of the Kingdom of Bahrain and higher education institutions, led by the University of Bahrain, to empower women and maintain gender equality, which would achieve the fifth goal of the 17 sustainable development goals.


The Director of the Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership Skills touched on the strenuous efforts made by the Kingdom of Bahrain since the beginning of the twentieth century to achieve gender equality in all sectors, and the great role played by the Supreme Council for Women under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and the President of the Supreme Council for Women, to continue these efforts, ensure their sustainability, empower women and strengthen their role as a basic partner in all state institutions. Dr. Al-Jahrami noted the efforts of the Ministry of Education and higher education institutions that spared no effort in achieving and sustaining these goals.


Dr. Al-Jahrami singled out the University of Bahrain’s initiatives to ensure gender equality and achieve the fifth goal of the United Nations sustainable development goals. She referred to the statistics related to female cadres of presidents, vice-presidents, deans, and other senior and junior administrators. She also noted the University’s commitment to maintaining a culture of gender equality in its leadership programs, such as Women’s Leadership in Academics entitled “She Leads”, which is presented by the Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership Skills.  Representatives from local, regional, and international academic institutions took part in this program.




It is worth noting that the first issue of “HETL Frontiers” centered around the efforts of higher education institutions to achieve sustainable development goals. Many articles were received from all over the world, the best of which were selected by the jury.


The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) was established in 2010, to bring together higher education specialists, researchers and thought leaders from all over the world, for dialogue, communication, publishing scientific research, and collaboration on issues related to teaching and learning in higher education. The Association has branches in 160 countries around the world and more than a quarter of a million subscribers from all international higher education institutions.

2023-02-15T14:38:21+03:00January 12, 2023|Uncategorized|
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