The College of Engineering Discusses and Assesses 188 Graduation Projects

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Al Sabbaq)


February 6, 2023


The Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Shaikha Haifa bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, stated that the graduation project is an extended practical project in which students apply theories and sciences they have learned in their major, and through which they work to present innovative and creative solutions to come up with the best results.


Dr. Al Khalifa made this statement on the occasion of 188 graduation projects being presented by the College of Engineering students. These projects, which belong to 311 male and female students in the College, were recently discussed and assessed by jury from inside and outside the University of Bahrain.


The students of the departments of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, civil engineering, and chemical engineering will present their projects in the exhibition of graduation projects of the first semester on February 16, 2023, while the students of the Department of Architecture & Interior Design will present their projects in the second semester.


Dr. Shaikha Haifa Al Khalifa expressed her happiness with the level of quality in students’ projects and their tireless endeavor to innovate and provide solutions to industrial problems with the help of their supervisors as well as technicians at the College.


Dr. Al Khalifa stated, “We feel appreciation for students’ efforts in general from the reactions and comments we receive from the members of the jury who participate in assessing students’ presentations and projects.” She noted, “This appreciation should be a motive for more innovation to find effective solutions to the problems the industrial sector is facing.” She expressed her appreciation for the efforts of faculty members who help students develop ideas commensurate with the national plan for scientific research.






Students presented their projects to the jury last week, including 16 projects in the Department of Civil Engineering, 19 projects in the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, 26 projects in the Department of Chemical Engineering, 7 projects in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and 120 projects in the Department of Architecture & Interior Design.


Hassan Ali Mohammad, a student in the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering talked about his graduation project. He said, “I have developed a system for cleaning solar panels in an automatic and smart manner that saves costs and does not require human intervention.” He noted, “This is done through sensors that detect if the solar panels need to be cleaned and does the job automatically.”


Aseel Al-Dalal, a student in the architecture program, is working on designing a multi-use health center in the capital city of Bahrain, Manama, as a densely populated area. She mentioned that the center, which aims to establish love and promote harmony and well-being in the community, provides several services, including those related to the mental health of individuals and the community.

2023-02-21T09:07:40+03:00February 6, 2023|Uncategorized|
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