The University of Bahrain is Considering Offering a Master’s Degree in Clinical Pharmacy and Management of Pharmacies and a Higher Diploma in Drug Control

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Alwanni


February 20, 2023


The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, said, “The College of Health and Sport Sciences is currently studying offering a master’s program in clinical pharmacy, a master’s degree in pharmacy management, and a higher diploma program in drug control.” She confirmed that the University is considering offering new postgraduate programs in new disciplines, including a higher diploma and a master’s degree, in light of the development the world is witnessing in the pharmacy sector.


Al-Mudhahka made this statement in response to a question addressed to her, “Is there an intention to start postgraduate programs in pharmacy? And in what fields?”during her participation on Sunday February 19, 2023, in a dialogue session at the Conference of “Current and Future Perspectives of Pharmacy” organized by the Bahraini Pharmacists Association, in collaboration with the University of Bahrain. The session is organized with the support of some government and private agencies, under the patronage of His Excellency Lieutenant General Doctor Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, President of the Supreme Council of Health, and in the presence of the Minister of Health, Her Excellency Dr. Jalila bint Al-Sayed Jawad Hassan.


In another question directed by one of the attendees to the President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jawaher Al-Mudhahka, regarding the need for pharmacists in the labor market in the Kingdom of Bahrain and whether it is possible to involve the Pharmacists Association in this issue, Dr. Al-Mudhahka confirmed that, “The University of Bahrain always takes into account  the labor market needs, in line with the controls and standards of the quality and academic accreditation, which require the University to conduct a study every four to five years of the labor market, and the various programs offered, including health programs. Based on the findings of the labor market study conducted in 2021, the program was updated and amended to link its outputs to the labor market.” Dr. Al-Mudhahka stressed that collaboration with Bahrain Pharmacists Association and communication with the Office of the Vice President for Graduate Affairs can contribute to creating job opportunities for pharmacy graduates.



When asked whether the university had a plan to upgrade the pharmacy program to a college like other countries in the world such as China and Japan, Dr. Al-Mudhahka explained “As you know, the establishment of an independent college requires providing many programs under the umbrella of one discipline, a large number of students to enroll in the programs, and sufficient staff of professors and administrators. By virtue of the nature of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its population incomparable with countries such as China and Japan, in terms of demography, available resources, and infrastructure, it is expected that the program will continue under the umbrella of the College. The proposal to establish the college shall be reconsidered as soon as there are the necessary requirements and the urgent local need for an independent college of pharmacy.


The conference was attended by Her Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Jalila bint Al-Sayed Jawad Hassan, senior officials from various health sectors, Bahraini and Gulf pharmacists, professionals, and specialists in drugs, along with experts and specialists from different countries of the world.


His Excellency Lieutenant General Doctor Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, President of the Supreme Council of Health, President of the Organizing Committee of the Conference and Head of the Bahraini Pharmaceutical Association, Rehab Al Nuaimi, and CEO of the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA) Dr. Mariam Adhbi Al Jalahma gave speeches at the opening session of the conference.


The participants in the conference, which will last until Monday, February 20, 2023 at the Gulf Convention Center in the Gulf Hotel, discussed several crucial issues, the most important of which are identifying the perspectives of pharmacy profession in developed countries, such as America, European countries, and Gulf countries, and benefiting from their experiences in this field, and  in the field of artificial intelligence, biotechnology in research and the pharmaceutical industry, the latest findings of science in the treatment of some diseases and epidemics, new regulations in the field of introducing drugs through modern standards followed in the selection of drugs, and creating new job opportunities for Bahraini graduates and pharmacists through holding meetings between pharmacy owners and new graduates. The conference will discuss many topics including the importance of opening new pharmaceutical factories in Bahrain, to promote the economy and enhance drug security.



The conference was attended by the Vice President for Community Service and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Saleh Al-Ansari, the Vice President for Academic Programs and postgraduate Studies, Dr. Mohammad Reda Qader, the Dean of the College of Health and Sport Sciences, Dr. Lina Mohammad Khonji, the Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research and heads of departments of the college.


During the conference, students of the pharmacy program at the University of Bahrain presented their graduation projects. The conference also reviewed the current and future perspectives of pharmacy education in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Special corners were allocated to several pharmacies, in which they presented types of drugs and health care products.

2023-03-06T09:18:24+03:00February 20, 2023|Uncategorized|
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