Through A Series of Lectures Presented by Entrepreneurs UoB Business Incubator Introduces Students to How Successfully Launch Startups

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

8 March 2023

The Business Incubation Center at the University of Bahrain (UoB) held a series of lectures in the field of entrepreneurship during the month of February, as part of the Center’s activities for the second semester 2022/2023, to introduce students to the experience of entrepreneurs successfully launching startups.

The Director of the Business Incubation Center, Dr. Isra’a Ahmed Wali, gave an introductory session on the Business Incubation Center, in which she reviewed the Center’s details, the services and programs it provides, and how to join.

In addition, the founder and CEO of the “Noor Coaching Center”, Noorhan alzann, gave a lecture titled “Guide to Starting a Business”, in which she introduced the basic elements that an entrepreneur must consider before starting a business, including market study, business plan, feasibility studies, business structure requirements, branding and marketing.

While the founder and CEO of NADHER MEDIA, Abdulrahman Al-Kooheji, presented a session on “How to Launch Successful Startups”, in which he introduced the students to the steps of launching successful startups, touching on the importance and ways of studying the market and analyzing it, being flexible, considering scaling up the company’s business scope, methods of financing and starting a business, and choosing the right partner.

The Center is continuing its series of lectures this March on business model blueprint, value proposition, financial planning and financing for startups, and social entrepreneurship. Details of these lectures – which are open to the public – will be announced through the University and the Center’s social media.

2023-04-03T09:51:42+03:00March 8, 2023|Uncategorized|
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