Students of the College of Applied Studies at the University of Bahrain Learn about Work Requirements and Ethics

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Alwanni


March 12, 2023


About 95 male and female students from the administrative and technical programs at the College of Applied Studies, University of Bahrain participated in the program of student preparation for the practical training course of the second semester.


The program, organized by the College’s Practical Training Committee, aims to prepare students for practical life, and to introduce them to work requirements and ethics in various institutions.


Dr. Maen Mubarak Al-Jowder, Head of Programs Department at the College of Applied studies, stated “This program comes within the framework of the academic plan set by the College. It aims to prepare the practical training program’s students to engage in the work environment and contributes to helping them apply the skills and knowledge they acquired in their studies while in the practical training sites.


In this context, the head of the Practical Training Committee, Dr. Nabil Hani, explained, during a meeting with the students of the practical course, the obligations and duties of the trainee student, the mechanism for assessment of students, the required reports, supervision visits, as well as the most important directives and instructions.

2023-03-27T09:52:59+03:00March 12, 2023|Uncategorized|
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