UoB Business Incubator Introduces Students to The Basics of Developing Startup Companies Business Developer Confirms: Business Models and Value Propositions Are Key Factors in Improving Entrepreneurial Activity

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

14 March 2023

The Business Incubation Center at the University of Bahrain (UoB) hosted Ali Ahmed, Business Development Assistant at Brinc MENA, to deliver two lectures on the use of business model canvas and competitive value proposition as fundamentals for startups success.

Ali Ahmed presented a session titled “Business Model Canvas”, in which he explained the “business model”, which defines how the company operates, how it earns money, and how it achieves its goals. He also presented his second session, titled “Value Proposition”, in which he explained the purpose of presenting a competitive advantage in a product or service when operating a business, as a powerful tool for increasing sales and building a customer base.

The Director of the Business Incubation Center at the University, Dr. Isra’a Ahmed Wali, confirmed the Center will continue to organize more lectures for the University’s students during the current month, on social entrepreneurship, financial planning for startups and financing, how to introduce a startup, and expand its scope of work, all within the Center’s plan to develop students’ skills in the field of entrepreneurship, and contribute to graduating students who are able to contribute to the national economy.

2023-08-20T11:02:16+03:00March 14, 2023|Uncategorized|
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