Implemented By the University’s E-Learning Center as An Alternative to Manual Reporting UoB Launches the Digital Transformation to Report On “Learning Outcomes” Project

Sakhir – University of Bahrain

19 March 2023


The E-Learning Center at the University of Bahrain (UoB) launched the digital transformation project to report on the fulfillment of learning outcomes of academic courses and programs, as well as institutional learning outcomes.

The learning outcomes are defined as an accurate description of the knowledge, skills and values that the students have acquired during their study of the academic course.

The Director of the E-Learning Center at the University, Dr. Sheikha Fi Bint Abdullah Al Khalifa, said, “The digital outputs reporting project implemented by the Center replaces the manual reporting of the fulfillment of the learning outcomes, describing the manual reporting as a tiring process for faculty members, program coordinators, academic departments, colleges, as well as quality assurance offices, especially in times of academic review, which is carried out by education quality bodies from local and external institutions, so it was necessary to consider how to automate the process to make it easier and more accurate.”.

Dr. Sheikha Fai Bint Abdullah explained that the Center began working on the first steps to implement the project since September 2022, when the first phase of the project was launched, work teams were formed, and the various compliance and reporting requirements for learning outcomes have been understood, to ensure the best results. Noting that the project is divided into five intensive work phases, which will end in January 2024, by reaching an integrated digital transformation in the processes of reporting the fulfillment of learning outcomes, at all levels in the University.

While regarding what the Center has achieved within the project, she stated: “The Center is now working on the first phase of the project with one of the academic departments at the University to experiment with preparing courses in the department, in order to monitor evidence of fulfilling the required learning outcomes electronically using the learning management system,” noting that “The experiment will be applied to the rest of the academic departments at the University, starting from September of the next academic year.”.

The Director of the E-Learning Center at the University pointed out that “This important project comes within the University’s efforts to digitally transform the teaching and learning processes, and to ensure the optimal use of educational technology, not only in the direct educational process between the course instructor and the student, which has been the main focus during previous years, as well as the diligent administrative work done by the teacher, the department, the college, and the Office of Quality Assurance behind the scenes, to ensure the quality of education that students receive today at UoB.” With all these projects, the University aspires to make the management of the educational process easier and more sustainable for those in charge of education.

2023-04-03T09:47:09+03:00March 19, 2023|Uncategorized|
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