A Professor at the University of Bahrain Proposes to Develop the Programs of “Twice Exceptional” Students

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)


March 26, 2023


A member of the teaching staff at Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain, Dr. Sayed Salah Alawi Salman, has participated in the 2nd edition of the International Conference on Twice Exceptionality, recently held in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The conference was organized by Alerada Organization for Talented People with Disability and King Salman Center for Disability Research.


Dr. Salah presented a scientific paper on caring for twice exceptional students. It aimed to establish a program based on creative strategies to develop self-confidence and improve academic achievement among twice exceptional students with low achievement.


The term “twice exceptional” refers to the category of gifted students who have some form of disability. They are gifted in one area, but they suffer from some disabilities, learning difficulties, emotional disorders, autism, or developmental delay.


These children are considered twice exceptional, as they are gifted in one area, (e.g., intellectual, academic, creative, leadership, visual, sensory, motor, etc.). They need specific programs in the framework of special education, so that they can improve and develop their talents. Since they suffer from certain disabilities, they need educational and rehabilitation programs within the framework of special education.


A group of scholars specialized in the field of caring for twice exceptional students participated in the conference, which addressed issues and programs related to twice exceptional students. This issue is relatively new in the fields of scientific research and legislation on world level in general, and in the Arab world in particular.

2023-04-04T10:46:37+03:00March 26, 2023|Uncategorized|
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