Students Of “Economics and Finance” At UoB Realize the Nature of Work in The Financial Sector

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

27 March 2023


On Tuesday (March 21, 2023), The Department of Economics and Finance at the College of Business Administration at the University of Bahrain (UoB), hosted the Executive Director – Audit Services at Ernst & Young – Bahrain Branch, Abdullatif Al-Mahmood, to speak in a lecture on “Job Opportunities and Skills Required in the Financial Services Sector”, on Tuesday (March 21, 2023).

The lecture was supervised by a faculty member in the department, Wajeeh Mohammed Ali Marhoon, and was attended by a number of the students at the College and University, to learn about the nature of work, the available jobs, and the skills necessary for a successful career in the financial sector.

Al-Mahmood gave a brief explanation of financial markets, an overview of the current local, regional, and global situation in financial markets, the impact of current economic conditions and trends, and technological developments in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on professions in the field of accounting and finance.

Moreover, he reviewed the types of jobs available to graduates in the financial sector in general and banks in particular, according to their university majors, their technical skills, and the professional certificates required for such jobs, noting key skills that are required for work in the financial sector, stressing the importance of professionalism at work.

While Marhoon referred to the importance of this lecture in educating students about ways to enhance their skills and abilities and identifying training opportunities and the type of knowledge corresponding to their majors, to obtain the suitable jobs that they aspire to attain.

2023-04-09T10:16:18+03:00March 27, 2023|Uncategorized|
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