In The First of a Series of Lectures on Conducting Scientific Research Academic At UoB: Companies’ Social Responsibility Enhances Their Competitiveness

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

30 March 2023

The Department of Accounting at the College of Business Administration organized a session titled “Corporate Social Responsibility: Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions”, which was recently presented by the Associate Professor at the Department, Dr. Abdulmohsin Mohammed Desoky, and was attended by a number of graduate students and faculty members from the College, to learn about corporate social responsibility from an academic perspective, and its contribution to enhancing the competitiveness of companies and improving their position in the market.

The Head of the Accounting Department, Dr. Abdullah Khaled Al-Jalahma, confirmed that this lecture is the first in a series of lectures that the College intends to give, as it reviews the scientific research and contributions of faculty members.

During the session, Dr. Desoky, called on conducting further research on corporate social responsibility initiatives for their importance, as they contribute to improving the company’s work, by prompting business leaders to examine their practices and activities related to management, employment, product or service, customers, and the public (stakeholders).

In addition, Dr. Desoky, provided a detailed explanation on the types of corporate social responsibilities, the most prominent of which are environmental, ethical, charitable, and economic responsibilities, while focusing on examples from studies conducted in the Kingdom of Bahrain on environmental responsibility, explaining that corporate social responsibility can enhance the competitiveness of the company as well, by improving the company’s image, reputation, and brand, and improving employee engagement and satisfaction.

Dr. Desoky presented a number of his scientific studies that were published in refereed scientific journals on the subject of corporate social responsibility. Moreover, he suggested several research titles around which research could be conducted, indicating the most important points that should be focused on when conducting scientific research of this sort.

2023-04-12T12:34:06+03:00March 30, 2023|Uncategorized|
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