KPMG Transfers Its Experience in The Field of Financial Auditing To “Accounting” Students at UoB

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

30 March 2023


The Accounting Department at the College of Business Administration, University of Bahrain (UoB), hosted keynote speakers from KPMG – Bahrain, to present an interactive lecture on “Practical Insights in Financial Auditing”, on Tuesday (March 28, 2023), which was attended by a number of faculty members and students from the Department of Accounting.

Saeed Radhi, Audit Director at KPMG – Bahrain, confirmed the Company’s role in developing the local community, providing educational opportunities to enhance the capabilities of Bahraini cadres, and improving their chances of excelling in the labor market, sharing aspects of his experience that extends for more than twelve years in the field of accounting and financial auditing, and reviewing the most important professional aspects of financial auditing, and how to achieve success in this field.

For his part, Ali Ahmed, the audit officer, referred to the Company’s three services: financial auditing, taxation, and consulting. Explaining to students the definition of financial auditing, its objectives, duties of the auditor, and types of auditing.

The lecture was supervised by Associate Professor of Accounting, Dr. Gagan Kukreja, who participated in answering students’ inquiries related to auditing, training and employment opportunities in the field of accounting, and provided a number of professional advice and guidance.

It is worth noting that KPMG – Bahrain Branch was established in 1968 as a national accounting and auditing firm, and it is a member of the international network of KPMG companies.

2023-04-12T12:35:00+03:00March 30, 2023|Uncategorized|
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