The English Language Center Organizes an Event to Develop Academic Performance

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

3 April March 2023

The English Language Center at the University of Bahrain (UoB) organized an event titled “The Beginning of a Challenge” for the Introductory Program students, which dealt with a number of basic steps to develop students’ academic performance.

Faculty members at the English Language Center, Ahmed Farooq Al-Rubaie and Eman Ahmed Al-Balooshi, introduced the students to several concepts related to university life, from both the academic and social aspects, in addition to interaction with students through questions and answers.

In addition, they shared their experience as students at UoB, and talked about the difficulties and fears they faced during that period, and how to overcome them, including: pressure from studying, lack of time, the English language, and making new friends. In addition to the most important skills that a student needs to fit into university life, such as setting plans and goals, organizing priorities, taking initiative, and teamwork.

At the end of the event, questions that were frequent among the students of the introductory program were answered, and students were urged to make the most of the services of the Learning Resource Center, such as remedial classes in the English language, which the Center offers on a weekly basis.

2023-04-12T10:58:11+03:00April 3, 2023|Uncategorized|
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