Including Two Students of People with Determination UoB Wins a Number of Advanced Positions In The Rotary Professional Innovation Challenge Competition

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)

18 April 2023


Six students from the University of Bahrain (UoB) recently won a number of advanced positions in the first Professional Innovation Challenge Competition of the Rotary Club of Salmaniya.

The challenge aims to identify leadership potential in students, and work to develop and enhance it through holding specialized interactive lectures and workshops related to the labor market by specialists in various practical and scientific fields. In addition to organizing field visits to different work sectors, to identify the available and required job opportunities in the labor market, getting acquainted closely with the work environment, and training in providing innovative initiatives and solutions that serve the work sectors and support their development in the future.

The participating students from UoB won the first, third, and fifth places, as Maryam Jassim Mohammed (a student at the College of Business Administration at UoB, who participated within a team of students from the Royal University for Women), won the first place – jointly – for the idea of ​​(In Train), which is an application that connects students with companies and employers to apply for training and professional opportunities. While two students of determination, Mohammed Khalid and Mohammed Malas, won third place for the idea of a vocational training program for people with hearing disabilities, enabling them to engage in the labor market. In addition, students: Ali Hassan Ahmed, Ali Jawad Mirza, and Sayed Muntadhar Sharaf Hashem, won fifth place for the idea of HVAC System & Marketing.

The competition was announced for UoB students, including practical training students who are likely to be trained in the next university semester, in which 16 male and female students participated, six of whom qualified for the final stage of the challenge.


The students participated in a leadership program that included a number of speakers in various fields, including leadership, innovation, leadership, economics, media and communication, and conflict resolution.  Interactive sessions were held focusing on the most important emerging challenges in the work environment, and ways to deal with them. Moreover, the students made field visits to seven different workplaces, to get acquainted with the work environments and different departments. The visits included: The Merchant House, The Gulf Hotel, Habib & Partners Interior Design and Architecture, Ila Bank, Zain Bahrain, Al Kindi Hospital, and Rain Management, which is a company authorized by the Central Bank of Bahrain as a Category 3 Crypto Asset Service Provider.

The innovation challenge competition falls within the “Job Shadow” program of the Career Guidance Division at the Career Counseling Office at UoB. The program’s idea is to integrate university students into actual work environment, to apply what they have learned theoretically and through experience on the ground, so that students gain ideas, professional skills and experience that qualify them to find jobs in the future.

2023-05-02T09:16:19+03:00April 18, 2023|Uncategorized|
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