In An Online Meeting Organized by The Deanship of Student Affairs UoB Guides Secondary Schools Students Through the Majors, Services and Activities It Offers

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Al-Wanni

18 May 2023

The online orientation meeting program for students expected to graduate from secondary school at the end of the current academic year was concluded at the University of Bahrain (UoB), which introduced them to all programs and majors in the University’s colleges, in addition to admission and registration mechanisms, services and activities provided by the Deanship of Student Affairs, and the services of the scientific centers. The meeting was attended by a large number of students, in addition to a large number of students’ parents.

The Deanship of Student Affairs organized educational seminars over three days, during which representatives of the University’s colleges presented the types of academic programs, majors, the nature of the study in each college, and the study plans for each program, in addition to a presentation by the Deanship of Admission and Registration explaining how to join the university, admission requirements, registration mechanism, grading, courses addition and removal regulations. Students also got acquainted with the behavioral laws and regulations at the University.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, inaugurated the meeting with a speech, in which she welcomed the students, and expressed the deanships interest in providing services related to academic achievement, educational, cultural, artistic and sports training, through the Deanship’s departments and its divisions, and she said: “We are putting in every effort to provide a suitable climate and environment to create a better university life for you, by playing a coordinated and integrated role in the educational process at the University, and empowering the discovery of your capabilities, skills and creativity, to participate and contribute to student work at all levels, in addition to offering a wide network of high-quality programs and services, and providing everything that enables you to create and innovate.”.

Additionally, on the first day of the induction program, presentations were made by the academic programs of the colleges of: Law, Information Technology, and Science, in addition to the Deanship of Student Affairs, the Deanship of Admission and Registration, and the English Language Center. On the next day, presentations were made by the colleges of: Applied Education, Arts, and Health and Sports Sciences. While the colleges of Engineering and Business Administration presented their induction program on the third day.

This program comes within the framework of the services provided by UoB to secondary school students before their graduation at the end of each academic year. During the meeting, they are briefed on the departments and majors in which they can enroll, in addition to the services and activities provided by the Deanship of Student Affairs, and the internal regulations and laws of the University.

2023-08-17T09:30:42+03:00May 18, 2023|Uncategorized|
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