For Seven Years, With Full Accreditation, and the President of UoB Offers Congratulations: BTC Receives International Accreditation from The American Council of Accreditation

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)

24 May 2023


The President of the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari, congratulated the Minister of Education and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of UoB, Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak Juma, on the Bahrain Teachers College (BTC) obtaining international accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation in the United States (CAEP), with the degree of “full accreditation” for seven years, to be one of the leading regional colleges in preparing teachers.

Dr. Al-Ansari praised BTC’s achievements, and the tireless work of its board of directors, in pursuit of international accreditation, and its ability to achieve the highest degrees of proficiency in all aspects of the accreditation, which included full accreditation in each of: curriculum content, educational knowledge, teaching methods, teacher training and qualification processes, educational outcomes, student assessment and testing processes, quality assurance and continuous development processes, administrative and financial efficiency, and compliance with laws and regulations.

For her part, Acting Dean of BTC, Dr. Lucy Bailey, said the College’s attainment of CAEP accreditation is an international recognition of the College’s achievements, and a recognition of the quality of training it provides, as it is in line with international best practices, stating, “This was achieved due to the hard work of all faculty members, academics and administrators, not to mention the continuous support of the Ministry of Education.”.

While the Director of the Office of Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Chairperson of the Accreditation Committee at BTC, Dr. Mervat Issa Albufalasa, said: “The College obtaining this accreditation is a medal of honor for all the efforts that have been devoted to advancing progress and development in the educational field in the Kingdom of Bahrain.” Noting that the College has sought to achieve the best international practices in preparing teachers, in line with the requirements of quality assurance to serve the Kingdom.

Dr. Al-Ansari thanked the Accreditation Committee at BTC for their efforts headed by Dr. Albufalasa and the members Dr. Abdulghani Ali Al-Hatami, Dr. Yazan Al-Ghazo, Dr. Hassan Mohsen Al-Wadi, and Dr. Grace Corps.

2023-08-17T09:27:04+03:00May 24, 2023|Uncategorized|
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