A Scientific Study at UoB Recommends GCC to Diversify Their Economic Resources

Sakhir – University of Bahrain

28 May 2023

A scientific study conducted at the University of Bahrain (UoB) stressed the importance of the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) further diversifying its economic resources and reducing dependence on hydrocarbon resources (oil and gas), noting that climate change is not only an environmental issue, as it has economic dimensions and consequences.

The study was conducted by a doctoral student in the Environment and Sustainable Development Program at the College of Science, researcher Fahd Khaled Al-Khaldi, which found that there is a bidirectional (reciprocal) causal relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions, meaning that economic growth is accompanied by an increase in carbon emissions rates, and vice versa.

The doctoral dissertation was titled “An Assessment of the Causality Relationship Between Economic Growth and Climate Change in the GCC countries.”.

In his study, Al-Khaldi recommended the need to achieve sustainable economic growth, in line with economic and environmental security alike, through diversification of economic resources, the contribution of the private sector into green projects, in addition to investment in renewable and alternative energy, and the use of technologies that enhance energy efficiency, as a preparation to reach the goal of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its counterparts of the GCC for zero carbon neutrality by the year 2060.

The researcher discussed his thesis with a committee of specialists in economics and finance from the College of Business Administration at UoB, namely: Prof. Dr. Qaisar Mounir, as an internal examiner, and the Japanese economist and visiting professor at the Malaysian University of Malaya, Prof. Dr. Fumitaka Furuoka, as an external examiner, and was supervised by Dr. Mohammed Sayed Abu Al-Saud

2023-06-12T10:17:46+03:00May 28, 2023|Uncategorized|
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