Dr. Khenji: First Aid Skills Enhance Awareness About Safe University Life CHSS At UoB Launches the First Aid Courses Initiative

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

6 June 2023

The Dean of the College of Health and Sports Sciences (CHSS) at the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Lina Mohammed Khenji, confirmed that teaching first aid skills to the University’s staff enhances the University’s endeavors to create a safe environment.

CHSS at UOB organized a training course on first aid, on Wednesday (May 31, 2023), with the aim of educating university members about the importance of first aid, and promoting this culture, which is based on scientific principles.

Dr. Khenji stated , “The initiative came within the voluntary and community services provided by the Nursing Department at the College, and these courses are scheduled to be held regularly during the next academic year, to ensure that all university employees are correctly cultured on the concept of first aid.”.

The initiative,  held under the slogan “Safe University Life”, seeked to provide guidance to various individuals from the University’s community, on how to deal with various cases that require first aid, with the aim of providing first aid to individuals when they are exposed to any injury, until medical assistance arrives, if necessary. To avoid confusion and panic when facing urgent cases, to preserve and protect the safety of individuals, and to have a safe society.

Additionally, Dr. Khenji confirmed that the employees of the National University were keen to acquire skills that qualify them to create a safe university environment, pointing to the involvement of about forty participants, including academics, administrators, and students, in the training workshop.

The workshop, which was presented by faculty members from the Nursing Department, who specialize in providing first aid courses, the theoretical part, included direct practical training on manikins, discussing the various cases and injuries that may occur on campus.

2023-06-26T10:44:23+03:00June 6, 2023|Uncategorized|
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