In collaboration with the University of Lincoln, UK UoB’s College of Sciences Researches the Use of Sensor Technology for Environmental Monitoring

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

8 June 2023

Officials from the College of Science at the University of Bahrain (UoB) and the College of Chemistry at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom discussed opportunities for cooperation between the two sides, especially in the areas of joint scientific research related to the use of sensor technology in the field of environmental monitoring.

This came on Tuesday, 30 May 2023, during a workshop organized by the Department of Chemistry at the College of Science at UoB, titled: “Sensor Technology for Environmental Monitoring”, which was attended by more than 50 participants from the academic staff, and interested researchers, engineers and academics, through visual communication.

Where the subject of “Chemical Sensors for Precision Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities” was presented by Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Lincoln, Dr. Alexander Radu, who explained that precision agriculture is technology-based agriculture to understand the various variables related to the agricultural process, such as: determining the appropriate amounts of irrigation and fertilizers and predicting harvest periods and quantities. He also touched on the advantages of using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to collect environmental data, and the use of sensors in environmental analysis.

“Highly complex problems require innovative solutions across the natural sciences, engineering, business, and social sciences,” Dr. Radu stated, noting that “collaborative opportunities are available to the staff and students of the University of Bahrain and the University of Lincoln, to participate in exchange programs, scientific research, summer programs, and collaborative projects.”.

Moreover, Associate Professor at the College of Engineering at the University of Lincoln, Dr. Edmund Norilari, presented a paper on taking advantage of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, integrating sensors with digital communication devices, identifying the challenges and solutions that result from the use of IoT, and case studies on agricultural waste after harvest, and smart irrigation.

For his part, the Dean of the College of Science, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mustafa Al-Hilo, thanked the Department of Chemistry for organizing the workshop, and the participating speakers, pointing out that the College of Science at the university had many experiences of effective cooperation with universities in the United Kingdom, and looks forward to discussing new partnerships for cooperation, especially in the field of academic programs and scientific research.

The session was moderated by faculty members in the Department of Chemistry, namely: Assistant Professor Dr. Laila Mohammed Al-Shaqri, Associate Professor Dr. Kheireddine El-Boubbou, and Associate Professor Dr. Javed Iqbal.

2023-07-03T09:52:10+03:00June 8, 2023|Uncategorized|
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