During His Participation in The Gulf Virtual Conference to Support the Innovation System… Dr. Qader: Research Universities are Effective Tools in The Industry of Innovation and Technological Leadership Universities are Institutions that Give Great Priority to Discovering New Knowledge

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Al Sabbaq)

25 June 2023

The Vice President of the University of Bahrain (UoB) for Academic Programs and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Mohammed Reda Qader, stressed the importance of developing research universities that can contribute to the innovation industry in the region, and to consolidate the Gulf economy based on technology and digitization.

This came during his speech on Tuesday (June 20, 2023) at the opening of the Fourth Gulf Virtual Conference to Support the System of Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Entrepreneurship, which is held in the State of Kuwait.

Dr. Qader stressed the importance of universities in knowledge economy production, saying: “Although part of the knowledge production activity takes place in the knowledge economy outside universities, the latter still represent the main center of this activity that consolidates the concept of open innovation, based on integrating universities, as they are key actors in the innovation process.”.

Vice President of UoB also highlighted the model of research universities as institutions that represent a very important place in knowledge societies, and relys heavily on scientific research, innovation, and technology.

Furthermore, he stated, “These universities are institutions that give high priority to discovering and generating new knowledge and training a large number of postgraduate degrees holders in broad fields and disciplines.” Adding, “These universities train professionals to join various jobs, and practice applied scientific research and technology transfer, but one of the most important features that distinguishes them from other universities is the production and industry of knowledge.”.

Moreover, the vice-president explained that “About 90% of the new articles published in the most important academic journals are written by professors working in these research universities,” referring to Germany as a country interested in research universities, and the National University of Singapore as one of the technological clusters of the highest academic excellence ladder in the world, which reflects the radical transformation in the Singaporean economy.

At the conclusion of his speech, Dr. Qader stressed the importance of the link between the University and production sectors, not only to stimulate innovation systems, but also to attain benefits for society, in the form of scientific and technological development in addition to social and cultural development.

The fourth Gulf Virtual Conference was held from June 20 to 22, 2023, under the auspices of the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education in the State of Kuwait, Dr. Hamad Al-Adwani, with the participation of more than 360 experts from the GCC and Arab countries.

The Conference, which was chaired by Dr. Hanadi Al-Mubaraki, the founder of Ecosystem Management Consulting, reviewed the latest experiences, successful innovations, tools, strategies, new global trends, practical challenges, approved solutions for successful experiences, innovative economic tools for entrepreneurship, technological management, and social and economic development for developed and developing countries.

2023-07-10T15:00:30+03:00June 25, 2023|Uncategorized|
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