UoB: Air Conditioning Systems in All Occupied Buildings Are Operating Regularly

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
3 August 2023
The University of Bahrain (UoB) confirmed its keenness to create a suitable educational environment for students, faculty members, and staff, and that all air-conditioners in the buildings currently occupied by the administration and the colleges of Business Administration, Arts and Engineering are operating regularly. As periodic maintenance operations are continuing on a regular basis, stressing that what has been circulated through some media outlets about the failure of the air-conditioning systems in these buildings is unfounded.
The University indicated that it carried out urgent maintenance of the air conditioning system, which included several operations, most notably: the repair of about 66 central air conditioners in 7 buildings, and 20 air conditioners that operate with water cooling technology in 10 buildings, in addition to the installation of three new central air conditioners in the multi-use hall (S6).
In adittion, it included the installation of 288 split air conditioners in many buildings on the University campus in Sakhir, 42 split air conditioners in the Isa Town campus, and 65 split air conditioners in the Salmaniya campus.