During His Participation in The Twenty-Eighth International Youth Conference In New York City A Student at UoB Reviews the Kingdom’s Experience in Achieving SDGs Dr. Al-Ansari Stresses the Role of Youth in Making a Difference and Decision-Making

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

23 August 2023

The President of the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari, congratulated the Kingdom’s youth on the occasion of International Youth Day, stressing their prominent role in making a difference, decision-making, and working towards global goals, through their awareness, and their eagerness for continuous learning and exchange of experiences. Praising the great support that Bahraini youth have from His Majesty the Great King, and His Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, and the continuous opportunities that the Kingdom provides to develop various skills of youth and harness them to serve the country.

This came during the University President’s reception of the student from the College of Arts at UoB, Yousef Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed, at the University’s headquarters in Sakhir, to hear about his experience and his participation – as a representative of the University, and with the support of the National Bank of Bahrain – as part of a youth delegation from the Kingdom of Bahrain at the 28th World Youth Conference at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, to celebrate International Youth Day, and to convey the Kingdom of Bahrain’s experience in sustainable development.

Ahmed is a final year student at the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts at the College of Arts, chosen to participate in the Conference, as part of the Bahraini team consisting of eight young people, during the period 11-13 August 2023. He is the first student from the National University to participate in this Conference at the United Nations.

For his part, the student, Ahmed, expressed his overwhelming happiness at representing the Kingdom of Bahrain in this global event, which affirms the status of Bahraini youth, and sheds light on their promising energies and ideas that strive to achieve the sustainable development goals (SGDs).

As a representative of the National University, Ahmed stated that he was able to actively participate and attend about six workshops related to a number of sustainable development goals, including the fourth goal related to the quality of education as a university student, in addition to the fifth goal related to gender equality, the eighth goal related to decent work and economic growth, and the eleventh goal of sustainable cities and communities. He was also able – within his team – to convey the pioneering experience of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of sustainable development, and what the esteemed government is working on to achieve these goals.

Ahmed added that he learned about the positive experiences and programs of many countries of the world, which promote the principles of SDGs, in addition to making friends with young people from different countries of the world, who have different experiences and cultures, and his meetings with international personalities and experts from various fields.

Furthermore, he praised the role played by the National University and its clear efforts in supporting students and offering them a helping hand, which contributes to developing their talents and enhancing their leadership capabilities, which qualifies them to compete at all levels.

Student Ahmed thanked the National Bank of Bahrain for supporting the youth energies, believing in their abilities, and their keenness to represent the Kingdom of Bahrain locally and abroad, which contributes to their visibility at the local and global levels.

It is worth noting that the student had previously represented the Kingdom of Bahrain and UoB in the Oman Youth Ship – an educational cruise – in the year 2021, which lasted for a month, and was organized by the German University in Oman and the University of Zagreb in Croatia.

2023-09-03T12:43:18+03:00August 23, 2023|Uncategorized|
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