Topping University Competitions in the Category of Graduation Projects and Start-Up Projects UoB Students Qualify for the Arab IoT and AI Challenge Dr. Al-Jowder: Scientific competitions develop students’ skills and stimulate creativity

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Sabbaq)


UoB students are participating in the “Arab Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Challenge”, which will be held on the sidelines of GITEX Week in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 16 to 20 October 2023.


The students of the National University (UOB) topped the “Bahrain Second Challenge for the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence 2023”, the preliminary competition that qualifies for the largest competition, the “Arab Challenge”.

The University of Bahrain organized the closing ceremony of the second edition of the Bahrain Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Challenge 2023, On September 30, 2023, in cooperation with the Telecommunications Society-Bahrain Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE ComSoc), where 24 projects participated in the challenge, of which are 14 projects in the student graduation projects category, and 10 projects in the startup category.

Concluding the celebration, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, faculty member at the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain, Prof. Mohab Mangoud, announced the first place winners in the Startup Projects category, to  the two students from the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain, Ihsan Ali Al-Hawaj and Zainab Al-Saffar, for their innovative child incubator company.

While the first place in the graduation projects category went to Salman Al-Shaikh and Nahed Al-Shaikh, for their project Axis, which is a smart glove that translates sign language into sound using artificial intelligence.

The Vice President of the University of Bahrain for IT Services, Administrative and Financial, Dr. Osama Abdulla Al-Jowder, commended the competition, which develops students’ skills and stimulates creativity, innovation and competitiveness, and praised the University of Bahrain’s keenness to host such sober scientific competitions, with students’ involvement.

Dr. Al-Jowder thanked the organizing committee, its supporters, the jury, and all students and professors for their efforts in the event, hosted by the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain for the second year in a row, wishing all students further success and excellence.

The jury viewing the students’ presentations, consisted of specialized experts and academics, namely: Dr. Zuhair Khalifa AlBahri Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jassim Haji, Executive Advisor for AI to HH Shk Nasser AI Research & Development Centre, Dr. Mohamed Al Jerjawi, Professor of Electronics Engineering Program at Bahrain Polytechnic, Dr. Aysha Mohammed Al-Sayed, Head of the Computer Engineering Department at the University of Bahrain, Dr.Reham N. Almesaeed Assistant Professor at the College of Information Technology, University of Bahrain, and Dr. Mohammed Majid Al Khalidy, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, University of Bahrain.

The second place in the startup category was won by IoT Fridge, a smart refrigerator that employs emerging technologies to identify the contents inside the refrigerator, by three students from the University of Bahrain and Bahrain Polytechnic.


While the second place in the graduation projects category went to BOCCIA Judging System. A smart arbitration system for boccia, based on advanced technologies such as cloud computing, image processing and others, with the aim of automating and facilitating the judging process, and employing three-dimensional simulation (3D). The project was designed by students of the College of Information Technology at the University of Bahrain.


The Cyber-Attack Resistant Transportation System project also won second place, the project is based on employing deep learning, machine learning and “blockchain”, to secure networks against cyberattacks, and reduce the risk of accidents.


Thirteen Arab countries, in addition to the kingdom of Bahrain, are scheduled to participate in the Arab IoT and AI Challenge.

The closing ceremony was attended by the Vice President of the Arab IoT and AI Challenge, Eng. Mohammed Abboud, Eng. Wafiq Ajoor, President of the Telecommunications Society Bahrain Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Eng. Mohammed Ahmed bin Ali, Acting Director of the Communications Department at the Ministry of Transport and Communications.


The Arab Challenge competition is being held for the seventh consecutive year with the participation of more than 5,000 participants in 3 main tracks: school students, graduation projects, and startups in the Arab countries.

2024-03-31T09:32:10+03:00October 12, 2023|Uncategorized|
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