With the Participation of Engineers from Three Major Companies in the Kingdom A Course at UoB Reviews Common Methods for Adjusting Industrial Control Devices

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)

A recent training course at the University of Bahrain (UoB) reviewed methods for adjusting the most common industrial control devices in the gas, oil, and mining industries.

As the Community Service and Continuing Education Center at the University held the training course over three days, in cooperation with the Department of Chemical Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University, with the participation of a number of engineers and technicians from the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC), Tatweer Petroleum Company, and Bahrain Steel Company.

The course was held at the e-learning center on the university’s campus in Sakhir, under the title: “Methods of Adjusting Industrial Control Devices for Engineers and Technicians”.

Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the College of Engineering at UoB, Dr. Mohammed Ali bin Shams, addressed three main topics in the interactive course: understanding the dynamics of the variables most likely to be controlled in the oil and gas industries, methods for adjusting control systems, and advanced infrastructure for control systems and methods for adjusting them.

In addition, on the first day of the course, Dr. Bin Shams shed light on the role of dynamics specification in adjusting control units, and the typical dynamic behavior of the most important operational variables in operational industries in general.

While on the next day, the participants were introduced to the basic control methods, the advantages and disadvantages of each method, in addition to the most used and reliable performance standards, based on the best practical practices in this field.

Moreover, on the last day of the course, the speaker highlighted the main infrastructures of advanced control systems, their working algorithms in the oil and gas industries, and the added value of their use, compared to traditional control systems.

Through this course – which is being held for the second time – the University aspires to raise the standards of control systems in local industrial companies, in addition to holding this course or similar ones again for the largest possible segment of the relevant industrial sectors.

2023-11-09T10:08:04+03:00October 27, 2023|Uncategorized|
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