Confucius Institute at the University of Bahrain Celebrates the Graduation of 33 Trainees at Various Levels

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)


October 31, 2023


The Confucius Institute at the University of Bahrain celebrated the ninth batch of graduates of Chinese language programs last Thursday in the presence of vice presidents, deans, faculty, and students.


The trainees, consisting of government employees and affiliates of the University of Bahrain, amounted to 33 trainees, 18 of whom are government employees, received graduation certificates of the first, second, third, and fifth levels.


Trainees Ayoub Yousef Al Mahmoud, Abdul Rahman Janahi, Dr. Donia Abdullah Ahmed, Thamer Al Nuaimi, and Khaled Ahmed received the Excellence Award, while trainee Jassim Abdul Rahman was honored with the Perseverance Award.


The Vice President of the University of Bahrain for Academic Programs and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Mohammad Redha Qader, praised the participants’ efforts and dedication to learning the Chinese language, stressing that the Confucius Institute is a valuable partner in teaching the Chinese language to employees of the public sector over the past ten years. He noted that more than 400 employees have benefited from the institute’s programs.


Dr. Qader urged the students to continue to learn the Chinese language and its rich culture, which would contribute to building relationships and strengthening friendship between Bahrain and China.


The students’ speech was delivered in Chinese by Aziza Abdel-Hay Sayed Mohammed, an employee at the Ministry of Interior, who passed the fifth level of the Chinese language learning program. Aziza shared her personal experience in learning the Chinese language, stating “My Chinese learning journey started with challenging myself to learn one of the most difficult languages in the world. I admired the drawing of Chinese characters and the unique pronunciation of words, until I mastered them.” She continued, “I visited China three times, twice under the sponsorship of the Confucius Institute and once under the sponsorship of the Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In each trip I gained new knowledge. I began from the first level and now I am at the fifth level. I would like to emphasize that there are no limits to learning when we strive to achieve our goals.”


For her part, Director of the Confucius Institute, Dr. Zhou Jian, gave a speech in which she talked about the Institute’s programs. She noted that the Institute provides programs for government employees, affiliates of the University of Bahrain and their children, in addition to programs tailored to school students.


Dr. Joo indicated that the Institute is keen to participate in most of the events and activities of UoB, to introduce Chinese culture, as well as activities outside the university, including the Dragon Boat Racing Festival, and the Chinese Language Proficiency Competition (Chinese Bridge). She also introduced students to the most prominent scholarships, the student exchange program and career opportunities.


Dr. Zhou expressed her happiness with the distinguished students, lauding their active participation in cultural exchange programs, and their knowledge of the cultural heritage of China.

2023-11-09T10:09:07+03:00October 31, 2023|Uncategorized|
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