Emphasizing the Importance of Aligning Sustainable Development Goals with Companies Regulatory Frameworks The College of Business Administration at UoB Introduces Its Students To “Sustainability Practices” Reports

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

2 November 2023

The Dean of the College of Business Administration at the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Abdullah Khaled Al-Jalahma, confirmed that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) sustainability practices are an essential element for advancement toward a responsible and sustainable future, and providing opportunities for innovation and cooperation with various entities and stakeholders.

This came during a symposium titled “ESG Sustainability Reporting Practices”, which was organized by the Accounting Department, and attended by several students and faculty members.

The Sustainability Officer at the National Bank of Bahrain, Salman Jassim Radhi, presented a summary on the concept of sustainability from a business perspective, and the differences between sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Moreover, he mentioned the benefits of sustainable companies, their strategies, and practices, and the importance of aligning sustainable goals with the company’s regulatory frameworks.

While the Head of Marketing and Business Development at Bahrain Bourse, Hussain Al-Hindi, reviewed the steps of ESG sustainability reporting, pointing out the importance of these reports in reducing risks to a minimum, meeting the requirements of investors and stakeholders, and enhancing financial performance, in addition to being consistent with the vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

For his part, Dr. Ali Fardan, Head of the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Department at Aluminum Bahrain (Alba), pointed out the necessity of focusing on the company’s priorities, and the priorities of its stakeholders, when charting the road map for the initiatives that the company will take, sharing aspects of Alba’s achievement of the ESG goals, such as its experience in reducing and recycling waste, and evaluating the company’s energy consumption in its operational facilities.

2023-11-14T12:29:31+03:00November 2, 2023|Uncategorized|
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