In preparation of entering the labor market UoB Students Learn about the Nature of Accountants’ Work at EY

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Yasmine Khalaf)   

23  December 2023


Students of the Accounting Department at the College of Business Administration at the University of Bahrain participated in a field workshop at the headquarters of Ernst & Young EY in the capital, Manam, during December 2023.

The workshop aimed to introduce distinguished students who are about to graduate from the accounting department to training and job opportunities available in the field of accounting in the labor market, and the skills and qualifications required in this field to obtain a job. The workshop also introduced the participants to the company’s various departments, the nature of work, and provided them with the opportunity to meet with the department directors.

Abdullatif Mahmood Al Mahmood, General Manager of EY (Bahrain Branch), welcomed the students and said: “The company is keen to cooperate with the Career Guidance Office at the University of Bahrain to prepare students and qualify them to engage in the labor market, and to provide training and career opportunities for university graduates.”


For their part, the students participating in the workshop confirmed that they benefited from this field visit, enriching their accounting information, and introducing them closely to the nature of the accountant’s work in major companies.

Ernst & Young is one of the major well-known companies in the field of financial consulting and auditing, and it is a multinational services company, established in 1849, and is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and is one of the largest companies specialized in providing accounting services and one of the four major accounting companies around the world.

2024-01-16T11:14:21+03:00December 23, 2023|Uncategorized|
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