Workshop at University of Bahrain introduces skills of managing stress effectively

The Unit of Teaching Excellence and Leadership Skills at the University of Bahrain held a workshop titled: “Mastering Stress Management: Personal and Professional Well-Being Strategies”, on Sunday (Decemebr 20, 2024), in which Reem Mansour Marhoon, a certified trainer in leadership skills, lectured.

The workshop aimed to empower faculty members with the skills, knowledge and techniques needed to effectively manage stress, promote personal and professional well-being – as stress is an integral and inevitable part of life – and how we respond to this stress can significantly impact our physical and mental health, as well as our productivity and relationships.

The workshop also aimed to identify strategies for managing and relieving stress in various aspects of life, identify signs of stress, analyze its effects on personal and professional life through group discussions, and explore practical solutions to reduce stress.

2024-02-27T10:30:04+03:00December 10, 2023|Uncategorized|
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