Khalid Bin Hamad Emphasizes Youth’s Pivotal Role in National Progress and Advancement

His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Chairman of the General Sports Authority (GSA) and President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee stressed that “research in scientific fields is of great interest to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, as His Majesty’s reform project launched energies in various scientific dimensions, activated the educational movement at various stages, and bet on young people who play a pivotal role in national progress and advancement.”

His Highness also praised the efforts made by the government under the leadership of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, in supporting and empowering youth and motivating them towards excellence and innovation, including the Government Innovation Competition (Fikra) launched by His Highness to enhance the energies and capabilities of youth.

His Highness added “Believing in the culture of creativity and teamwork, and that innovation is a spark of human existence and a motivation for excellence and success, our interest and support continue with these scientific capabilities, which in turn contribute to the development and building of countries, especially in our dear Kingdom”. His HH stressed the importance of the award in enhancing the skills of young people, to contribute and display their innovations and inventions, in pursuit of the development of the country.

His Highness praised the University of Bahrain’s efforts, headed by Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari, in advancing the level of education, wishing all participants a successful and distinguished presentation.

For his part, Dr. Al-Ansari praised the award’s role in encouraging students to innovate and lead development projects that serve the Bahraini society, through cooperation between the public and private sectors, presenting projects to a wide segment of society, and introducing local, regional and international markets to the distinguished graduation projects of university students, which contribute to providing solutions to the problems in the industrial and business sector, increase productivity, and improve the services provided to the community.

Dr. Al Ansari said: “The exhibition is a platform to introduce private sector institutions and companies to the outstanding projects of university students, to market their pioneering and innovative products, to consider the application of their promising ideas, and to allow for further development by sharing experiences and exchanging views.”

The Initiatives Office (Mubadarat) at the University of Bahrain organized the “Khalid bin Hamad Award for Graduation Projects”, under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and the exhibition is scheduled to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday (20-21 February 2024), at Shaikh Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Hall, at the university’s headquarters in Sakhir.

75 undergraduate graduation projects participated in the award, and the award jury selected the best 24 projects to participate in the exhibition and compete for the first three places, and the winning projects will be announced during the honoring ceremony that will be held on Wednesday (February 21, 2024).

Undergraduate graduation projects in engineering and information technology in various universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain are competing for the award, where the Kingdom’s universities participate in the award and the accompanying exhibition, by nominating their students’ pioneering and innovative projects for the academic years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.

The winning projects will be selected based on several criteria, including: originality, creativity, innovation, impact on society, design or research scientific method, and outstanding contributions.

Graduates will be able to present their projects, share their scientific expertise and experiences, and strengthen their relationships with students and graduates from various universities in the Kingdom.

2024-05-06T11:28:02+03:00February 18, 2024|Uncategorized|
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