International Women’s Day Symposium

University of Bahrain (Yasmine Khalaf)

5 March 2024


The Equal Opportunities Committee at the University of Bahrain organized a seminar titled: “Women’s Brilliance: Leadership and Excellence”, in celebration of International Women’s Day, which falls on the eighth of March every year.

Dr. Naima Hassan Al-Qaseer, a global expert in health and sustainable development, and Prof. Najla Mohammed Al-Alani, Professor at the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain, participated in the online seminar.

Dr. Al-Quseir stressed the role of the motivating family environment in developing her scientific interests, in addition to her perseverance and personal diligence in knowledge, research and self-development, which contributed to her scientific and academic journey, which enabled her to hold senior positions at the local, Arab and international levels.

For her part, Prof. Al-Allani spoke on “Women’s Rights in Tunisia”, and the extent to which they are affected by the level of appreciation of Bahraini women, and their comparison with the level of appreciation of Tunisian women during their academic path, and their many scientific involvements in international organizations, pointing to the importance of awards and research that serve women, and highlight their achievements.


2024-03-17T13:25:43+03:00March 5, 2024|Uncategorized|
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