UoB Students Learn from the Challenge, Success and Experience of Bahraini Lecturer Mohammed Isa

University of Bahrain (Mansoor Alwanni)

11 March 2024

The students of the University of Bahrain listened to the Bahraini expert Mohammed Abdullah Isa’s story, his experience in challenge, and continuing to achieve success in a lecture titled: “Bahraini Success Stories” held online. The session viewed key moments in his life that led him to success in his career, and the most important influences that contributed to the transformation in his practical behavior and personality.

Isa stressed that students and graduates today have multiple opportunities to be successful entrepreneurs in various fields, explaining that the most important secret of success is the principle of continuing to work, which contributes to the development of the individual’s capabilities, refines their skills, and opens horizons to form useful relationships.

2024-03-17T13:05:10+03:00March 11, 2024|Uncategorized|
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