Seminar at the University of Bahrain stresses the importance of enhancing CVs with university experiences and activities

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

14  March 2024

The Career Counseling Office and the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain, in cooperation with Think Smart for Development and Training, organized a seminar titled: “Preparing Students for the Labor Market”, on Wednesday (March 13, 2024), which was attended by students from the Colleges of Business Administration, Engineering, and Information Technology.

Khalid Rashid Jalal, Senior Group ICT Manager at Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill (GARMCO), called on students wishing to seize career opportunities to develop soft personal skills, set clear goals, and set a plan for personal and professional development.

Jalal said: “Let your CV talk about you,” stressing that it is the first interface for the job opportunity, and gives the first impression to the employer, calling on students to present their university experiences in CVs by reviewing their research projects, extracurricular activities, participation in community service activities, organizing events or workshops, in addition to their personal projects.

He added that there has been a remarkable development in the importance of factors employers consider when hiring, as the importance of CVs and cover letters, online education and professional certificates has increased, as well as the importance of previous work experiences, and job referrals.

He discussed the services of ICT training and development centers, as they provide professional certificates and training opportunities, which pave the way for obtaining good career opportunities.

2024-03-19T12:46:35+03:00March 14, 2024|Uncategorized|
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