Confirming nuclear power a potential mitigation technology for climate change A study at the University of Bahrain examines the challenges of establishing nuclear plants in the Gulf region

Sakhir – University of Bahrain

1 April 2024

A scientific thesis at the University of Bahrain concluded that nuclear energy can be considered a potential mitigation technology in the fight against climate change, given its low carbon dioxide emissions throughout its life cycle, but pointed out that there are many barriers to the construction of these reactors, for reasons related to human health and the environment.


Noora Jaber Muhanna, a student in the Environment and Sustainable Development Program at the College of Science at the University, prepared the study and was titled “Challenges and Opportunities for Establishing Nuclear Power Plants in the GCC” as part of the requirements for obtaining a master’s degree in environment and sustainable development.


The researcher said “The current study was able to provide a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities of establishing a nuclear power plant in the GCC. The results indicate that respondents from GCC member states have a reasonable understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing nuclear power plants and are optimistic about joint initiatives among the GCC countries.”


Regarding the finding, the researcher stated that the challenges indicate the project requires a large budget, and that engineers and scientists based in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries need training in the field of nuclear energy. On the other hand, she pointed out that nuclear power plants may reduce the cost of electricity and provide diversification in the sources of electricity production. In addition, it generates a low amount of pollution and is critical in the fight against climate change.


Concluding her thesis, the researcher recommended that nuclear safety programs be taken into account to overcome the disaster of accidents related to nuclear power plants and their safety, because of the impact on the region, people and the environment. The entire process should be carried out in line with the IAEA customs, regulations, laws and legal framework, working towards the cooperative scientific and technical application of nuclear technology.


The thesis was supervised by: Prof. Ahmed Yousef, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bahrain, as a supervisor, and Dr. Maryam Ahmed Al-Mannai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University, co-Supervisor.


The discussion committee consisted of Dr. Omar Al-Abbasi, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor at the University of Bahrain, as an internal examiner, and Dr. Bassam Abdullah Khuwaila, Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, as an external examiner.

2024-04-25T08:41:42+03:00April 1, 2024|Uncategorized|
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