Delegation from HKGCC to UOB Reviews the Cloud Innovation Center’s Innovation Experience

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Mansoor Al-Wanni)

6 May 2024


A delegation from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) and the Hong Kong Bahrain Business Association praised the Kingdom of Bahrain’s experience in the field of innovation, during its visit to the Cloud Innovation Center at the University of Bahrain (UoB).

As the delegation was briefed on the innovative solutions offered by the center to various sectors, and the most important services that students benefit from in problem solving and projects design.

Moreover, the members of the delegation listened to a detailed explanation from Dr. Hessa Jassim Al-Junaid, Dean of the College of Information Technology at the University, and Nidal Al-Basha, Director of Innovation at Amazon, regarding the Center’s vision and objectives, its most significant achievements, and its future plans and aspirations. Also, the members of the delegation were briefed by students from the College of Information Technology about three innovative projects in technical fields.

It is worth noting that the Center seeks to accelerate the process of digital transformation in the public sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and throughout the region in general, by working with institutions to use advanced technologies and cloud computing, and to find innovative solutions that are compatible with the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

2024-05-13T10:53:44+03:00May 6, 2024|Uncategorized|
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