Organized by SCCA with the Participation Of 134 Universities World-wide UoB Wins 3rd on the Gulf and 5th Globally in the Arabic Moot

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)

7 May 2024


The College of Law team at the University of Bahrain (UoB) won third place at the level of the Gulf countries, and fifth place at the international level in the Best Claimant Memo Award, in the international commercial arbitration competition (Moot) in its fifth edition, which was recently held in the capital city of Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As UoB team competed with 134 universities and 921 participating students and supervisors from around the globe.

The team included six students: Amna Janahi, Fatima Al-Shamsi, Fadhel Al-Halai, Yaqoob Mahmood, Yasser Rifaei, and Hamad Al-Rumaihi, who worked under the supervision and training of Dr. Mohammed Saud Al-Enzi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Law at the College of Law at UoB, and a graduate of the College of Law – previous competition participant – Zakaria Al-Awadhi.

Competitors -in the competition organized by the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration (SCCA)- simulated the roles of claimant and defendant, by submitting written memos and oral pleadings in a virtual arbitration case before a group of international arbitrators, which would enhance the practical dimension of the academic knowledge that the student receives during their university journey.

On this occasion, Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari, President of UoB, praised the efforts of the winning team and its supervisors, stressing that achieving such advanced position in the competition reflects the students’ capabilities and their readiness to enter practical life and actually plead before the Bahraini courts, which demonstrates the strength of the programs offered by the College of Law’s and the quality of its graduates.

In parallel, the College of Law team participated in the moot court competition, which was held by the Kuwait International College of Law at its headquarters in Kuwait in the first week of March, and the team was able to advance to be among the top eight teams in the competition, and reach the semi-finals.

2024-05-21T10:29:16+03:00May 7, 2024|Uncategorized|
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