Effective Social Marketing Campaigns Foresee the Future of Sustainable Cities

Students of the Social Marketing Course at the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts at the College of Arts competed in organizing effective social marketing campaigns that anticipate the future of sustainable cities, in the exhibition organized by students in the courtyard of the College of Arts today, Wednesday, May 8, 2024.


Dr. Abdulaziz Mohammed Bulela, Dean of the College of Arts, initiated the exhibition in its twelfth edition, titled “The Sustainable City”, and visited the five booths of the campaign, namely: a sustainable tourist office campaign, a sustainable coffee shop campaign, a sustainable fashion design campaign, a sustainable books club campaign, and a sustainable spa campaign. The dean praised the campaigns’ outputs that sought to employ technology to achieve the principles of sustainable development in line with the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030 goals.

2024-06-11T11:13:05+03:00May 8, 2024|Uncategorized|
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