Sends Readable Data on Soil Dryness, Temperature and Room Moisture Two UOB Students Engineer a Smart System to Monitor the Growth of Houseplants

Sakhir – Bahrain University (Mansoor Alwanni)

27 May 2024


Two students at the University of Bahrain have developed a smart system project that helps those interested in home farming monitor plant growth remotely.

The project idea, which was designed by students Batoul Sayed Ali Alawi and Zainab Hussein Ahmed, from the Department of Computer Engineering at the College of Information Technology, is based on designing a technical system that stores readable data, using Amazon Web Services. The data includes measuring the plant’s ambient temperature, the moisture percentage, soil moisture, in addition to the room brightness.

The system, which won first place in the graduation projects exhibition organized by the College of Information Technology recently, also contains the smart alarm feature, through which an alert message is sent to the user’s e-mail in the event that the soil needs irrigation, or the room conditions changed and may damage the plant, in addition to another feature that enables the user to view the readings stored on the cloud, by accessing a website.


This site contains diagrams and charts on the conditions surrounding the plant, and provides a tips page, to help users care for their plants in the most appropriate ways to grow them, and the project was supervised by Dr. Ali Hassan Ibrahim, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Bahrain.


2024-09-11T11:41:59+03:00May 27, 2024|Uncategorized|
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