National Cyber Security Center and University of Bahrain Discuss Enhancing Scientific Research in Cybersecurity

Based on the framework signed between the National Cyber Security Center and the University of Bahrain to enhance and develop the level of knowledge of scientific research in the field of cybersecurity, a team from the National Cyber security Center (NCSC) met in the presence of Mr. Yusuf Muthana, Director of the Policy Department at the Center, and Dr. Hessa Jassim Al-Junaid, Dean of the College of Information Technology at Bahrain University, to discuss ways to enhance scientific research and its importance to researchers in the same field.

During the meeting, Director of the Cyber Policy Department at the National Cybersecurity Center stressed that the field of cybersecurity is one of the most prominent and important scientific disciplines that keep pace with technical, digital and electronic developments, so the existing cooperation between the Center and the University comes with the aim of encouraging researchers, empowering their capabilities and practices, and enabling them to produce scientific research innovatively in the field of cybersecurity.

For her part, the Dean of the College of Information Technology stressed the university’s keenness to provide researchers with scientific research skills, and to upgrade their capabilities and competencies in a way that enhances research outputs, praising the existing cooperation between the University of Bahrain and the National Center for Cybersecurity, which contributes significantly to raising the level of research production in the same field, through continuous monitoring and follow-up between the two sides.

At the end of the meeting, the importance of enhancing participation in cyber academic conferences was stressed with the aim of raising the level of creativity, innovation and scientific thinking in the field of cybersecurity.

2024-09-11T11:29:13+03:00June 5, 2024|Uncategorized|
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