The Business Incubator Center supports university affiliates such as students, alumni, faculty and staff who have innovative ideas and inventions to create and grow businesses and startups. Our role is to provide appropriate support to develop these innovative ideas and inventions through an ideal entrepreneurial environment with strong inter-institutional partnerships with other ecosystem enablers.

Our Objectives

  1. Encourage innovation that contributes to knowledge-based economy.
  2. Empower university affiliates through developing awareness, encouraging entrepreneurial values and strengthening business capabilities.
  3. Provide support for the development and commercialization of promising ideas and inventions.
  4. Provide support in developing small businesses and commercializing new products and services.
  5. Create strong collaboration and partnership between the university and industry in R&D.
  6. Collaborate with entrepreneurship and incubation institutions nationally, regionally and internationally.
  7. Promote knowledge-based businesses and start-ups through incubation and entrepreneurship programs, leading to:
    • Employment and wealth creation
    • Providing career alternatives to UOB graduates
    • Enhancing links with the business community
    • Direct, technology-driven, foreign investment in the Kingdom of Bahrain
    • Commercialization of research
    • Technology transfer by channeling new global technologies and practices into the Kingdom of Bahrain


To be a hub for knowledge-based innovation in Bahrain.


Support the economic development of Bahrain by fostering innovation, developing entrepreneurial skills and establishing knowledge-based enterprises.


This division will cater for potential entrepreneurs, including current university students and faculty. The division’s aim is to build entrepreneurship knowledge and skills through entrepreneurial awareness and enterprise development interventions and inclusion of entrepreneurial skills teaching in the academic curricula. The activities and services that the division would provide are:
  1. Entrepreneurial awareness campaign
    1. Participation in wide-ranging activities to encourage entrepreneurship mindset.
    2. Organizing competitions
    3. Promoting entrepreneurship through announcements, leaflets, posters, media
  2. Entrepreneurial skill development programs
    1. Organizing lectures and seminars
    2. Conducting entrepreneurship short courses and training workshops
    3. Business advisory and counselling to facilitate startup business creation


This division serves startup businesses, which have fulfilled the membership criteria, by providing the necessary support to help them achieve their business objectives. The activities and services provided by the centre, in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship division, are:
  • Comprehensive business training programs
  • Advisory services and mentoring
  • Help with business basics
  • Access to finance through banks
  • Opportunities to network with other businesses.
  • Technology commercialization assistance
  • High-speed internet access
  • Links to higher education resources (such as Library, Equipment, Expertise, Halls …etc.)
Another important function of the Small Business Incubation division is introducing new ideas, attracting new technologies and assisting innovation by:
  • Participating in international technological exhibitions
  • Attending conferences and training workshops
  • Competing in Regional and International Events
  • Joining Technology news letters
  • Screening of technology podcasts and TV shows
  • Outsourcing services to large enterprises