British HEA grants to partnership to University of Bahrain

First Symposium on Developing University Education to Start Tomorrow
Dr Al-Mansouri: 4 Universities only obtained this partnership

news 2 04 2017 1The University of Bahrain announced that it will sign tomorrow (Monday) an agreement on international partnership with the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA), which will open paths for offering programmess for academic development accredited by HEA for other local and regional universities.

Dr Sanaa Al-Mansouri, Director of the Unit of Teaching Excellence and Leadership (UTEL) at the University of Bahrain, said that the University, which has started its cooperation with the British Academy in 2013, will become the first regional university to achieve this degree of partnership with the British organisation.

Dr Sanaa Al-Mansouri explained that the University of Bahrain will become one of only four universities in the world to achieve this level of partnership (two in Australia and one in the UK). This comes as evidence that the University has succeeded in the last ten years in training and developing its academic cadre and in enticing the instructors to adopt the best and latest practices in education in order to excel in it through enrolling in and excelling in it through its high diploma of academic exercise which offers so it’s teaching staff. It is decided that’s the Greeman to be signed during lesson but was it the first composer of developing investigation by using the procedural research methodology which is organised by the unit of excellence in education and leadership activity (and the higher education academic British tomorrow Monday

The director of the unit of excellence in education and leadership skills adversity said the symposium which is held under the patronage of the cirrus is the president Professor rial Hamza 6 to enhance The adoption of the procedural research methodology to develop teaching skills she mentioned that one of the aims of the symposium which is held in the E learning Zayn Centre electronic eBay there is an electronic centre and the rest the campuses are here developing the academic practice through exchanging their stories success stories which has the positive effects to adopt the procedural research methodology this. The Bosea focus on different axes including defining the procedural research with energy and developing teaching skills, developing the learning and teaching processes in Hawridge Acacian, the successful experiments and employing The procedural research methodology in developing teaching process skills. Luton sorry sent that mentioned that the main talker and they suburbia as Professor Stephanie Marshall the executive president of the high education Academy in the United Kingdom, hinting that Professor Marshall will represent the higher you get an academy is United Kingdom through the signing of the agreement of partnership with University. The first suppose you’re up for developing teaching comes as a crown for the rest of the experiment and adopting the best practices new practices indication,. University has persisted the best throughout the last 10 years to offer The higher education program and Academy practice the For its instructors. The program seeks to offer the academic staff members the best teaching practices according to the new teaching with abilities and theories. Regarding the benefits of the symposium, director of the unit of excellence in education and leadership skills said that the symposium will offer a chance for the talkers and participants to exchange the best academic practices through the procedure of research methodology she expressed her hope that this event will contribute to enhance the teaching staff to critique the economic practices with the aim of developing it in a way that reflects positively on the student and and assists on they’re learning quality.

2017-04-02T09:41:00+03:00April 2, 2017|Uncategorized|
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