Key Conference on Biotechnology Launched

News 24 04 2019 1f
News 24 04 2019 1dAGU – Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain: The Arabian Gulf University (AGU) and the University of Bahrain (UoB) on Tuesday launched the Millennium Biotechnology Pan Arab Conference and Exhibition (MBPAC), which continues until April 25, 2019, at the Gulf Convention Centre in the Gulf Hotel Bahrain.

Held under the patronage of Dr. Majid bin Ali Al Nuaimi, Minister of Education, the conference is themed “How would life sciences and biotechnology re-shape the third millennium?”. The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al Ohaly, President of AGU, and Dr. Riyadh Hamzah, President of UOB.

In the ceremony, Dr. Al Ohaly delivered a speech, stressing on the importance of biotechnology in fulfilling the requirements of development in GCC states and societies. Speaking to the audience, Dr. Al Ohaly said: “The comprehensive Arab long-term development strategy for GCC Countries for the years 2000-2025 states that its central objective is to achieve a sustainable and integrated development process in all fields, in order to improve the quality of life and enable individuals to adapt to the challenges of the third millennium.”News 24 04 2019 1e

Dr. Al Ohaly underlined in his speech the significance of MBPAC in casting light on the great progress of life sciences, especially biotechnologies. He said biotechnologies have a profound impact on the wellbeing of humans, who are the focus of economic and social development. Dr. Al Ohaly added that biotechnologies are expected to radically reshape societies and contribute to addressing many of the challenges in the fields of health, environment, agriculture and food security.

On his part, Dr. Hamzah highlighted the diversity of biotechnology, as it has various aspects such as the research, academic, productive, health, therapeutic and economic aspects, adding that it is an important and reliable field for humanity in many sides, including public health, medicines manufacturing and food, agricultural and animal production.

Dr. Hamzah added: “The cooperation of UoB with distinguished universities such as AGU contributes to the advancement of scientific and research integration, so that each university can benefit from the other’s capabilities and fields of excellence. It is crucial to strengthen these research activities and joint conferences to unite efforts and promote scientific research in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This partnership with local, regional and global institutions, is directly involved in the development plan of UoB for the years 2016-2021, in line with the economic vision of Bahrain 2030.”

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It’s worth mentioning that several prominent international leaders in the fields of biotechnology science, industry and research are participating in the conference. This includes Dr. Jain Petrabohaja, Specilised Academic in Technology Transfer and Innovation Management in King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia.

In the opening ceremony, Dr. Petrabohaja delivered a presentation on the impact of successful technology transformation. In the presentation, he reviewed his scientific and industrial experience in the transformation of innovations and knowledge that are developed in universities and public research organisations into the industrial sectors and then transforming them into a product available in the market.
The three-day conference will address a number of the most significant biotechnology applications in the fields of health, agriculture and the environment. It will also include an economic forum dedicated to innovation and technology transfer. The discussions will highlight employment opportunities that are stemming from the use of biotechnology products and services.

Several local and international companies specialised in the field of biotechnology will display its latest technologies, devices and services in an exhibition that will be organised on the sidelines of the conference.
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2019-04-24T05:23:00+03:00April 24, 2019|Uncategorized|
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