Patient’s Satisfaction Determined by Profession, a Study Reveals

News 19 06 2019 1aNews 19 06 2019 1bA study conducted by Ms. Zainab Hussain Ne’ma, as part of the requirements for obtaining a masters degree in Business Administration, has revealed that the patients’ professional background has a direct impact on the level of satisfaction with the healthcare services offered by the private sector in Bahrain.

In her research, Ms. Ne’ma revealed that the three main variables which have a direct impact on patients’ satisfaction with healthcare services are: Rapid Response, Service Reliability, and Medical Team Empathy, especially in emergency situations. The researcher also analysed the effect of demographics on patients’ satisfaction including, sex, age, monthly income, job and nationality. It turned out that the most influential factor in determining satisfaction was the patient’s job.

Patients from a private healthcare institution participated in a questionnaire survey. The results were analysed using the SERVQUAL model, which stands for the five service factors it measures, namely: reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness.
2019-06-24T07:27:00+03:00June 24, 2019|Uncategorized|
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