A Symposium at UOB Presents Technology for Early Detection Of “Covid-19”

Organized by CIC and Supported By “Amazon”

News08072020 1bUnder the sponsorship of the President of the University of Bahrain (UOB), Dr. Riyad Yousif Hamzah and with the participation of professors and specialists in the field of information technology, he Cloud Innovation Center (CIC) of UOB organized a symposium entitled “Utilization of Technology to Fight Covid-19”.

During which participants were introduced to a model based on computed tomography scans for Covid-19 patients, which is a model provided by the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver to the world on how to use artificial intelligence to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, and that is through an X-ray technology provided by the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Innovation Center that carry out tomography scans of the lungs of COVID-19 patients from several countries.

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Also, this technique enables medical personnel to diagnose infection with the Covid-19 virus before it spreads in the bodies of those infected. This technology was provided by the Canadian University and is based on understanding and identifying the virus and providing data on the size of its spread inside the patient’s lung.

Participants in the Symposium included the head of the Media Center at UOB, Dr. Mazen Ali, the head of the Digital Innovation Department at the Amazon Center, Nidal Oday Al-Basha, and the expert in the field of information technology at the AWS Center Bahrain Nicholas David, as well as the following people from UBC: Senior Solutions Engineer Artur Rodrigues, Head of Digital Innovation at the Amazon Innovation Cloud Center, Coral Kennet, and Head of Amazon Cloud Innovation Center EMEA Jude Sheeran.

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2021-03-11T07:57:00+03:00March 11, 2021|Uncategorized|
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