“Business Incubator” Students Design Applications and Websites

In line with a Summer Program on Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

“Business Incubator” Students Design Applications and Websites

جانب من الأسبوع الرابع

University of Bahrain (UOB) students were able to create phone applications and websites for several proposed commercial projects, in order to gauge customers feedback, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses in those applications and websites during the promotion and marketing processes.

Sayed Ali Al-Kamel, an Android application developer at “Ila” Bank Bahrain, stressed the importance of creating prototypes for phone applications in promoting commercial products, to identify their suitability before creating the approved application, in order to save time, effort and money.

Al-Kamel briefed the students on easy and simple ways to create uncomplicated applications that do not require specialists in Information Technology (IT), and anyone can create them even if he does not have much experience, suggesting the tools they can use to make this task easier.

While the development manager at VII Tech Solutions and Springring, Ahmed Yousef, briefed the students on ways to create websites, and guided them to websites that they can use to create them in simple and easy ways.

After the program, students were able to create a number of websites and phone applications prototypes for proposed projects, using tools that enabled them to easily create them, and they presented them to selected customers to gauge their feedback, in order to develop them in line with the customers’ desires and interests.

Both Yousef and Head of Design and Marketing Department at VII Tech Solutions and Springring, Sabreen Bucheeri, emphasized the importance of choosing an attractive and distinctive image for the home page of the website to attract customers to the website or for any page on social media.

Also, Bucheeri suggested a number of websites through which information on customers can be collected, such as the number of times they browse products on the website, their country, which page they visit in particular, the time spent in the browsing process, the elements that attracted the customer, and the reason for their attraction, stressing the importance of all of this in measuring the commercial activity of the project, and the extent of customers’ need for the product, in addition to checking the view to verify whether it is suitable or not.

Moreover, the Co-Founder and CEO of VII Tech Solutions and Springring Mohammed Ashoor explained methods of measuring customer use of websites and applications, methods of testing this to ensure that it complies with the project proposed to customers, methods of sending notifications, when to send them, and how to send them automatically.

For her part, Director of the Business Incubator Center, Dr. Esra Ahmed Wali, indicated that during this week, the students designed the customer journey with the product, and identified the service that the customer needs, the solutions that the product will provide to them, the proposed application or website for promotion and marketing, and methods for developing the marketing model.

2021-03-16T12:48:00+03:00March 16, 2021|Uncategorized|
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