UOB Business Incubator Center Introduces its Students to the Features of Trademarks

News 17 09 2020 1Head of Trademark Marketing at Bahrain Branch of “Ila” Bank, Richard Farr, stressed the importance of choosing a distinctive trademark for the business project, through which customers can create a mental image to link the trademark to the product or project as soon as they see it anywhere, and he displayed a number of examples of trademarks that were able to create a mental image for customers at the local, Gulf and international levels. Pointing out what you should focus on and what you should watch out for and avoid while designing trademarks.
This was during a remote meeting held by the Business Incubation Center at the University of Bahrain (UOB), as part of a summer program for students in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, in which a number of experts in various disciplines participated.
Where the Executive Director of “Ila” Bank – Bahrain, Mohammed Al-Mearaj, gave an encouraging lecture in which he spoke about the most important skills of practical success, calling on students to make the most of their practical training period in university, and to develop ideas that could turn into successful projects.
It is worth noting that Ila Bank – Bahrain, is a subsidiary of ABC Bank that started with an idea from young people and is based on conducting all banking transactions through a smartphone.
While the Director of the Business Incubation Center, Dr. Esra Ahmed Wali, stated that “The selection of speakers was based on the desire of the Business Incubation Center to convey the successful experiences of start-up companies to students, to benefit from them as real and live experiences.”
Furthermore, she indicated that during this session the students were able to identify the types and characteristics of customers and consumers, to know the most suitable services that can be provided to them, according to the evaluation of the customer himself, adding that they also learned how to present the product according to its purpose, in addition to knowing how to determine the products added value, which can make it the best option on the market.
2021-06-23T09:36:15+03:00March 18, 2021|Uncategorized|
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