Dr. Al-Madani Reviews the Advantages of the Environmental Architecture Program in an Interview with “Landscape” Magazine 

Dr. Al-Madani Reviews the Advantages of the Environmental Architecture Program in an Interview with “Landscape” Magazine 


“Landscape” magazine had recently conducted an interview with a faculty member in the Department of Architecture and Interior Design, Dr. Wafaa Hassan Al-Madani, who reviewed the advantages of the bachelor’s program in Environmental Architecture. 

In the article published in the magazine’s issue of December 2020, Al-Madani indicated that the program came to meet the increasing demand for the specialty of environmental architecture. 

It is worth noting that Dr. Wafaa Al-Madani holds a Ph.D. and MA in Environmental Architecture from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. 

Also, Dr. Al-Madani was selected to be the coordinator of the Environmental Architecture Program launched by the College of Engineering in September 2018. Her Ph.D. thesis explored the essential role of planning, designing, and managing public open spaces in Bahrain in supporting cross-cultural coexistence. 

The College of Engineering had introduced the Environmental Architecture Program in the Department of Architecture and Interior Design for the first time in the academic year 2018/2019. 

2021-10-21T08:07:24+03:00October 21, 2021|Uncategorized|
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