Scientific Research Department

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The University of Bahrain provides a fertile environment for scientific research, based on encouraging its professors to conduct more research with a focus on vital development issues of interest to the Kingdom of Bahrain and the region, and seeking to find solutions to them, as well as the expansion of graduate programs that are based primarily on solid scientific research aimed at discussing issues. This is what makes the University of Bahrain the largest source of refereed scientific research in the Kingdom.

Scientific Research Department Objectives

  • Positioning the scientific research at a high value among university affiliates, while facilitating the process of scientific research for university faculty members as well as students.
  • Empowering university faculty members and students to master the skills of scientific research, each in their fields of specialization and facilitate the scientific publishing for the university faculty members.
  • Facilitating the scientific research processes for faculty members and students at the university.
  • Facilitating the process of scientific publishing for faculty members at the university.
  • Coordinating research efforts between the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research and the university’s various colleges and centers.
  • Establishing a type of research partnership between the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research at the University of Bahrain, and external scientific research centers at the local, regional, Arab, and international levels.
  • Building effective relations between the Deanship and the official and non-governmental institutions in the field of scientific research.
  • Increasing the sources of funds of the Deanship to reduce the dependence on the university budget in supporting scientific research.

Scientific Research System
(In Arabic)
    (PDF, 1 MB , 25 Pages)

Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

Bahrain Studies Center

Renewable Energy Labs

Childhood Studies Center


The University of Bahrain has always sought to develop its strategic plan in which it compasses the University’s major goal which is to straighten  its role on both the national and international levels as a source of knowledge, research,  distinction and invention.

In this regard, the University has given special consideration to scientific research by stating it as a main pillar in the second strategic goal that aims to increase and improve the quality and quantity of scientific research at the University in order to integrate with the economic vision 2030 of the kingdom of Bahrain.


This unit is considered one of the important of pillars of the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research. It offers the following services:

  1. Deanship of Scientific Research level:
    • It offers support to the Dean, and the heads of the Studies & Research units of the Deanship.
    • In coordination with the Deanships of Students Affairs and Admission and Registration it chooses students who are willing to offer their research support to the Deanship of Scientific Research.
    • It coordinates all the activities related to the process of Scientific Publication.
  2. At the University level:
    1. It helps in inputting and processing questionnaire data using SPSS software for the UOB undergraduate and postgraduate students.
    2. It organizes training programs and workshops.
  3. At the National level:
    1. It offers the same service of inputting and processing data using SPSS software for researchers from outside the UOB in return of a small fee.
    2. It communicates with the outside research and decision making centers to keep them abreast with the newly implemented studies and research.

The office coordinates the process of refereeing new publications (books or articles) with outside referees to make sure that the publications meet the necessary requirements in terms of form, content, and methodology. After publication the publication is fully approved it will be printed and published via the Deanship of Scientific Research.

The database of the Deanship has been created to include information about both contracted and sponsored research project, refereed research articles and books, training is programs, workshops and conferences, researchers and other authors, and referees (their names, books, specializations, contact information …etc).

The purpose is to safeguard the scientific heritage of the Deanship, to manage the database efficiently and effectively and to make information available for making decisions and writing reports.

  • Designing electronic presentation using power point.
  • Participating in preparation of conferences organized by the Deanship.
  • Offering all kinds of technical and logistic support to other units of the Deanship and to Colleges and Departments of the UOB when needed.


The university has mobilized all of its capabilities and potential in order to cope with future challenges in the field of scientific research, and developed the infrastructure in providing attractive and stimulating support. This enhances the excellence and creativity of researchers in all areas of knowledge to achieve global leadership and to contribute to building the knowledge economy. From this standpoint, the idea of the establishment of research groups, meaning research is carried-out work between a number of researchers, for the completion of the outstanding research in quantity, quality and usefulness of the University and the community.

  • Support research work interoperability among the disciplines.
  • Promote qualitative as well as quantitative scientific research.
  • Promote joint research enabled through the creation of a climate of interaction between researchers and closer ties among them.
  • Improve the capacity of the new postgraduate students and new
    researchers’ interests including serving sustainable development.
  • Support research partnership with the public and private sector.

Requirement for the research group:

  1. Principal researcher to lead the group.
  2. Principal researcher chooses a name for the research of the group which reflects the area of activity and specialization.
  3. Establish a multidisciplinary interrelationship within the research group.
  4. Researcher can participate in more than one research group but cannot be a researcher principal in more than one group.
  5. The number of members of the research group should not be less than two researchers in addition to the principal researcher of the group.
  6. Postgraduate students should participate.

The research group adheres to publish a number of scientific papers in journals, according to the following standards:
1. Publication in English : The journals indexed in:( Scopus), Or Web of
Science (ISI)
2. Publication in the Arabic:

  • The magazine is indexed in the two indexes, such as: Edusearch,
    Doaj, Shama, Al-Manheal, Al-Mareef , Ranem.
  • The members of the advisory body in the journal should be local,
    regional or international institutions



Scientific research aims to communicate with concerned bodies inside and outside the Kingdom to achieve the objectives and approve the size, format and output of the scientific journals, the number of copies printed out, the methods of distribution, and the destinations of dedication based on the recommendations of its editorial boards.


The University of Bahrain’s institutional repository (BSpace) aims to store the scientific research output of the university, increase the visibility of original research and scholarly activity produced by UOB, and facilitate the sharing of scientific knowledge generated at UOB both regionally and internationally.

The repository is based on the dSpace platform and was developed and installed and customized by the College of Information Technology, and the Library and Information Services are responsible for quality control of its content. Hosting is provided by the IT Center and the Deanship of Scientific Research utilizes the research data stored in the repository.

Faculty, staff, students, and guests of UOB can access BSpace through the UOB IT services access id and password, and can contribute to the BSpace repository by submitting their works within the Colleges/Centers (communities) they belong to. This submission is then checked by College committee as well as the Library before being published on BSpace.

Please browse the UOB communities below or use the search function to locate information you are searching for. For further assistance please contact the system administrator



  • Research Funding Projects Form     (PDF, 0.3 MB , 6 Pages)
  • Conference Proposal Form     (PDF, 0.3 MB , 5 Pages)
  • Journal Proposal Form     (PDF, 0.3 MB , 3 Pages)
  • Research Charter     (PDF, 0.1 MB , 3 Pages)

  • Research Groups     (PDF, 0.3 MB , 2 Pages)


Dean’s office 

Dr. Athraa Almosawi                        Tel: 17438558                    Fax: 17683278                 E-mail:

Department Head’s office 

Dr. Hayat Abdulla Yousif                        Tel: 17438550                    E-mail: