Dr. AlMudhaki Discussed Expanding Horizons of Cooperation with the CEO of the Education and Training Quality Authority

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
March 7, 2022

The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen AlMudhaki, stressed the importance of the reviews of Education and Training Quality Authority to improve any educational system, its quality and performance. She lauded the role played by the Authority in this regard.

Dr. AlMudhaki made this statement when she received on Monday March 7, 2022 the CEO of the Education and Training Quality Authority, Dr. Tariq Al-Sindi. The President of the University congratulated Dr. Al-Sindi, on the royal trust bestowed upon him through his appointment to his new post. She noted the academic capabilities and expertise as well as leadership skills of Dr. Al-Sindi. She expressed her pleasure that Dr. Al-Sindi will continue the process of development carried out by the Education and Training Quality Authority.

Dr. AlMudhaki expressed her sincere wishes to the new CEO of the Authority and his efficient team to move forward with quality levels in the educational and training sectors. She stressed that UoB is looking forward to more cooperation with the Authority in all fields that contribute to raising the level of education in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Dr. AlMudhaki lauded the role played by the Authority and its efforts to develop the higher education sector and promote higher education institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain through consolidating the principles of quality in the academic programs offered.

For his part, Dr. Al-Sindi thanked the President of the University for the warm and hospitable reception. He lauded the efforts of Dr. AlMudhaki and her achievements during her presidency of the Authority, which contributed to achieving the national goals of the development of education and training. He stressed that the University of Bahrain is a strategic partner in the advancement of education and training in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The CEO of the Authority noted the scientific status of the University of Bahrain as one of the pillars of the higher education system in Bahrain, and its vital role as a national educational edifice in supplying the labor market with qualified and competent graduates. He lauded the university’s academic programs and specializations that are in line with the requirements of the labor market and Bahrain’s comprehensive vision 2030, the most important goals of which is making Bahraini graduates the first choice of employment due to their academic qualifications and cognitive skills.

2022-03-13T15:14:42+03:00March 13, 2022|Uncategorized|
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