The President of the University of Bahrain Receives a Delegation from the US Embassy

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadija Abdul Salam)
March 20, 2022

The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen AlMudhaki, received on Sunday March 20, 2022 a delegation from the United States Embassy in the Kingdom of Bahrain, headed by the Chargé d’Affairs of US Embassy to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Margaret Nardi.

The President of the University welcomed the delegation of the American Embassy, lauding the strong relations between UoB and American universities and institutes in various fields. She also reviewed the English language programs offered by the university at the bachelor and PHD levels.

For her part, the Chargé d’Affairs of the embassy lauded the collaboration with UoB for the advancement of higher education. She pointed to the prominent role played by the Department of English Language and Literature in holding linguistic and literary training courses and promoting the scientific and cultural levels of students.

Issues of common interest in the scientific and academic fields and promotion of educational and training services were discussed in the meeting.

The meeting was attended by Vice President of Information Technology Services, and Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Osama Abdullah Al-Jowder, Vice President for Academic Programs and Graduate Studies, Dr. Mohammad Reda Qader, Dean of the College of Arts, Dr. Abdulaziz Mohammad Boulila, Adviser to the President of the University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Dheya Saqr Al-Jalahma and the head of the University’s Projects Committee, Dr. Fouad Mohammad Al-Ansari, from UoB and the Embassy’s Public Affairs Officer, Linda McMullen, and the Regional English Language Officer, Sandra Storey, from US Embassy.

2022-03-30T14:11:33+03:00March 21, 2022|Uncategorized|
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