Career Counselling Office

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Career Counselling Office is one of the firm pillars at the University of Bahrain, as it is the bridge that connects the students and graduates of the University and the various sectors of the labor market in the Kingdom and abroad.

Hence, the main mission of the Career Counselling Office was to provide guidance and professional services that help students and graduates to make the right decisions based on their preferences and abilities on the one hand, and the needs of the labor market on the other hand. This can be made by providing the necessary professional guidance represented in guiding students to choose their majors and qualifying them professionally to enter the labor market efficiently and effectively, by organizing a number of programs, workshops and various awareness events, in addition to providing practical training and employment opportunities for students and graduates. These services collectively seek to achieve the University’s goals of preparing and empowering the future cadres of the Kingdom of Bahrain in all fields and strengthening relations with the labor market.


  1. Assist students in determining their career paths based on their qualifications, abilities, skills, and capabilities.
  2. Guide students expected to graduate with information about available job opportunities in the labor market.
  3. Guide graduates on how to apply for the different vacancies through training and self-initiative.
  4. Cooperate with the local labor market to identify consistency between graduates and the available vacancies.
  5. Nominate university graduates for recruitment in various public and private sectors.
  6. Promote university graduates in the labor market.
  7. Find training opportunities for the internship program.
  8. Hold local and global community partnerships.


  1. List all the ministries, authorities, companies, and corporations in the Kingdom and identify their potential for training. This is done by correspondences and site visits.
  2. Establish a database of all labor sectors interested in providing training to the University students
  3. Update information on practicum coordinators in each college and academic department.
  4. Liaise with academic departments to collect information on the number of students and the training required
  5. Establish an updated list of training opportunities in terms of number and major required for the training
  6. Follow-up trainees to help solve problems that may face the trainees or the trainers
  7. Prepare end-of-semester report including statistics about training
  8. Organize student tours to keep them updated on new projects, technology, and methods of management for all majors
  1. Career Counselling.
  2. Mock Interview.
  3. Career Guidance by phone or email.
  4. Career Counselling for Special Needs Students.
  5. Workshops.
  6. Career Hunters.
  7. CV Checking.
  8. Workplace Visits.
  9. Further Study Program.
  10. Choosing the Major.
  11. Start Your Own Business Forum.
  12. Market Yourself.
  13. Job Shadow.
  14. Employers Bank.
  15. Professional Qualifications.
  16. Labor market survey.
  1. CV Bank.
  2. Nomination.
  3. On-Campus Recruitment.
  4. Employers’ zone program.
  5. Employers Table program.
  6. Statistics and Reports.
  7. Yearbook.
  8. Vacancy Board.
  1. Marketing the University’s programs to employers.
  2. Marketing Career Counselling Office programs and events.
  3. Finding supportive channels for the University.
  1. Annual Career Day
  2. Specialized Career Day


Director Office


Abeer Mohammed Al Showaikh       Tel: 17438865       Fax: 17449763      E-mail:

Professional Training Division

Tel: 17435008 – 17438930        Fax: 17449763        E-mail:

Career Guidance Division

Ohood A. Hameed Taleb        Tel: 17438930       Fax: 17449763       E-mail:

Professional Liaisons Division

Abeer Salman Al Faqawi       Tel: 17437437      Fax: 17449763        E-mail:

Marketing and Promotion Division

Nawaf Yousif Ghailan       Tel: 17437369       Fax:17449763       E-mail: